- June 14, 2022
- Posted by: Team Shineeks
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Dr. V. Ananthaswamy is working as Assistant Professor (SG) of Mathematics, The Madura College (Autonomous), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. He has 22 years of Teaching and 9 years of Research Experiences. He has published more than 132 research articles including SCOPUS, Web of Science, UGC care lists and other peer reviewed National and International Journals. He has produced 7 Ph.D., research scholars and 28 M. Phil., scholars under his guidance.
His research areas include: Mathematical modeling, Non-Linear reaction diffusion-equation, Perturbation Techniques’, Numerical and Computational Mathematics, and Mathematical Biology. He has Editor/Editor-in-chief/Advisory Board Member/Reviewer in more than 223 reputed National and International Journals. He has reviewed more than 240 research articles related to his research areas and applied mathematics field. He has completed one Minor Research project of Rs. 60,000/- sanctioned by UGC-MRP, Hyderabad, India.